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The Art of Being a Digital Nomad

Harnessing the Power of Location Independence

Do you dream of a life full of freedom, adventure, and the ability to work from any place in the world? Would you like to learn how to turn your skills and passions into a successful online business? Then this book is just right for you!

This book is the ultimate guide for anyone who wants to live the dream of a location-independent life. Step by step, you will be introduced to the world of digital nomadism and receive practical tips, advice, and inspiration from me—Barbara Riedel, a digital nomad since 2014.

This book is packed with practical advice and proven strategies to help you live a fulfilling life as a digital nomad. Whether you’ve already taken the first step into this exciting lifestyle or are just starting out, this book will provide you with valuable insights and inspiration.

Prepare to travel the world, discover new cultures, and be successful in your career at the same time. Digital nomadism offers endless possibilities, and this book is your key to this exciting lifestyle.

Dive into the world of digital nomadism and start your journey today towards a future full of freedom, success, and adventure!

This is where you’re at:

Every day you go to the office and constantly ask yourself, ‚what for?‘ and ‚for whom?‘

Sometimes it feels like you’re trapped in a horror movie. You’re stuck in a job that doesn’t make you happy, surrounded by people who don’t see the world the way you do. Every day seems to hold only the same things, and you feel overwhelmed because you don’t know where to start to change something. Everything just seems wrong somehow.

You’d love to quit your job. But you think to yourself, ‚Others are happy too—why can’t I just be satisfied with what I have?‘ The moments of frustration are real and come more frequently. You see other people on Instagram who have built their dream lives, and you wonder how you can get there too.

Luckily, you’ve come to the right place!

With The Art of Being a Digital Nomad, you will receive my step-by-step guide and tips and tricks from 10 years of experience as a digital nomad.

Don’t worry, there is hope! I can help you escape this nightmare. With The Art of Being a Digital Nomad, you will learn step by step how to change your life and live and work location-independently. As a kind of handbook, it offers you plenty of practical tips based on my own experiences.

With this book, you can free yourself from the horror scenario and confidently embark on a new life. It shows you how to build an online business and become location-independent. Work where others vacation? Travel wherever you want? Work when you feel like it and not when the boss wants you to? That’s what makes life fun again!

The Art of Being a Digital Nomad

Secure the book that might have the possibility to change your life!

Dein ortsunabhängiger Arbeitsplatz von oben

How to start working online?


How to prepare for a life as a digital nomad?


How to stay motivated if there’s no one to do it for you?


How to set SMART goals?


How to choose new destinations as a digital nomad?


Which tools to use?


What will the challenges be?


And much more!


Get the PDF below or search for it on Amazon for the paperback

9,99 €

Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a complete beginner. Is this book still suitable for me?

This book is also ideal for beginners. It helps you break free from the 9-to-5, start an online business, and prepare for your life as a digital nomad.

Can I read the book without an e-reader, or do I need a separate device?

The Art of Being a Digital Nomad is available as a paperback or e-book, so you can read it on any device—whether on your phone, tablet, or computer. No problem with the Kindle reading app! When you click on the link you will be directed to buy the ebook version as a PDF file.

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